• GEOS Los Angeles - Price List

Student Life Outside the Classroom

Does practicing your English at one of the world famous beaches or while screaming on a roller coaster sound good to you? If you are wondering what to do when you are not in the classroom - we've got you covered! There are amusement parks, natural attractions, beaches and water sports, shopping malls, seasonal events and festivals, a variety of international cuisines to try and vibrant night life. Our school location provides a lot of opportunities for entertainment and fun time in the area. Check out our sample activities calendar below! 

The Highlights of Students' LA Experience

Santa Monica Pier
Santa Monica Pier
Venice Beach
Venice Beach
Universal Studios
Universal Studios
Hike to the Hollywood Sign
Hike to the Hollywood Sign
Six Flags Amusement Park
Six Flags Amusement Park
Boogie Boarding
Boogie Boarding
Splashy fun and beach sports any day
Splashy fun and beach sports any day

Sample Summer Activities Calendar

Check out our sample summer activities program.